Join our neighbor Tusha Yakovleva, who will be leading a walking tour of the Stockade, ID-ing edible wild greens and weeds along the way. Forageable weeds are likely to include: garlic mustard, Japanese knotweed, chickweed, wild violets, dandelions, clover, lamb's quarter, and nettles. Tusha will have pre-foraged some fresh, clean greens for all to taste as you go.
$35 ticket includes:
Tasting Tour of The Stockade, where Tusha will ID edible wild greens and share samples to taste.
Sample of "hortapita" a spanakopita-style dish made with wild greens instead of spinach.
Hortapita recipe to take home.
Foraging guide to take home.
A portion of each ticket will support a related non-profit TBD.